
Friday, February 24, 2012

13 weeks

Yes we're pregnant. This is 13 weeks along. You can only really tell Michelle has a bump if you knew how über skinny Michelle was beforehand.


At about 12 weeks, I decided to grow a goatee, cause Michelle didn't want to kiss me anyway, so why not?

This is one week of growth. Can you see it? If so, you win!


  1. waaaaahhhhhh! I'M SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED! I was JUST thinking about your bridal shower Michelle- and your wedding.

    love maren

    p.s. i have exciting news ;)

  2. Congrats, Michelle! I bet you didn't even know that I blog stalk you. :) I was just talking about the other day to one of my classes because they asked how many people were in my major. I told them it was a darn good thing we got along since we were in so many classes together.

    Hope all is well!

  3. I didn't know you blog stalk me. But I blog stalk you (whenever you post) so I guess it's fair.

  4. You are behind the times my dear! You need to post a current picture of yourself and of the newest addition. You are well past 13 weeks pregnant ;-)
