
Saturday, June 12, 2010

Cleaning Out, Part II

I had to clean off the pictures of my other phone too! Here is what I gathered (and it took me on another trip down memory lane - just this time I didn't have to stretch my memory past Thanksgiving 2009). I also discovered that I divide recent time into three periods: Before Dating (BD), after dating, but before engaged (ADBE), and Engaged (Present). Okay, so I don't really use those abbreviations, but that is how I divide time in my head.
Before I started dating Hollis, he send my roommate and I this picture:
Apparently we both worry to much. It actually came at a perfect time because I had been worrying a lot about various things (I had just finished helping organize a huge service project, and that had been stressing me a lot). So it was good to get a friendly reminder. Even if it was a picture of grafiti at a bus stop :)
The week just before Hollis and I held hands I discovered a knack for injuring myself. Okay, so I didn't discover it then, but I broadcast it for everyone to see. First, I bruised my ring finger knuckle playing the whip in band class. It was swollen and discolored, and did not want to bend. Then I nicked my first finger slicing yams for Friday Friendship Feast at the Seattle Institute. I put on a band-aid and kept slicing. A few slices later I sliced into my third finger. It bled so much that I had to get help getting the band-aid on. I went to the library, kind of hoping I could ask Hollis for help, but I chickened out and asked our friend Carole instead. This is the picture of my hand after bandaging up the two fingers and taping the remaining fingers together to support the bruised knuckle.
I visited Hollis at work once, and took this picture as proof that spring was coming early to Seattle. This was after Hollis and I started dating, but before we were engaged, so in February sometime, I think.
One day after Hollis and I started dating, Maren and I were going on a walk. We saw a plane that had a banner following it that asked "NAME, Will you Marry me?" and it totally made our days. And I also wondered if I would be marrying Hollis.

When Hollis and I went to Wenatchee in February, he made fun of my over-large coats. He said we could both fit in the coat. I didn't believe him, so he just went and proved me wrong.

Also when I was at home, my brother Brian stole Hollis's phone and decided to be a little photographer. He's so adorable that way. And he took this ridiculously adorable picture of us! Well, I like it.
Right after Hollis and I got engaged, I felt like I should go wedding dress shopping, but I didn't want to. I really didn't care much what I would be wearing, so when I was shopping with my friend Lora, I found this white dress at a thrift store. I sent a picture to my mom and told her that this would be my wedding dress. Part of me kind of wishes that I had done that. I feel think it is very classy. But I only kind of wish I had. I like my dress a lot. I'm just struggling to make peace with the veil right now.
Looking at this picture makes me want to go back to the thrift store to see if they still have it. I might buy it now just to have it. Maybe wear it at the Utah open house (we aren't hauling my dress down to Utah I don't think. Maybe...? Bah. I'll decide... next week? Oh boy, wedding is sneaking up on me!)

I went home one weekend and ended up going to Costco with my mom and with Hannah my cousin. She is so adorable, and since she didn't get posted in any of the cousin pictures I posted last time, I figured I'd post her up now!

Way back in Spring 2009 my mom and I visited University of Washington to make sure that I really wanted to go there. I felt really good about my acceptance, but I wanted to walk around campus and view it as a prospective student. I met with my faculty advisor, Steve Kerr, and really enjoyed the sunny day. I felt fantastic about attending, and loved the beautiful trees.
When Maren and I were out walking, we found this quote on a rock wall:

I love it and think we could all benefit from this little gem.

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