
Wednesday, February 3, 2010

My Man Hollis

Yep. That's right. I have a man.

Though it's been tempting, I've resisted acting like this stick figure.

Of course, you should replace the word "girlfriend" with the word "boyfriend." But I completely understand that little stick guy's desire to drop the fact that he has a girlfriend into every sentence. I don't, but I often want to.

The fact that we're dating isn't a secret. In fact, the Institute was kind of buzzing about it for a tiny bit (not everyone, but, well, lots of people). Apparently there were several people who thought we should be dating (Allen Brand wrote a post on his blog that mentioned us - we're two of the four people he mentions).

This is a picture that Allen took of us. Apparently he thinks we're adorable. (To quote his caption on this picture, "Let's check: yep their adorableness just made me throw up a little."

Also, apparently Hollis and I don't really do "normal" faces in pictures. Not much anyway. These are two recent photos of us. I'm so glad that we learned how to smile properly. How else could we so fantastically refuse to conform?

And yes, the expression on my face is intentional.

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